Market Hill Photography
For the memories that matter
Film Transfer Services
We specialise in all aspects of restoration and transfer services including;
Cine, VHS, digital video, camera video, tablet video, phone video.
We quote for every job we undertake so you know how long it will take and what the costs will be before completion.
Digital transfer to DVD avoids future deterioration and offers convenient playback and potential editing. Durations of under 1 hour can be combined onto the same disc if preferred ( 3 hours is the maximum time on a DVD)
We only use the best brand of discs for optimum DVD player compatibility.
On-disc inkjet printing and a text titled DVD menu are included. We also offer slide scanning services. Please get in touch for a quote or for further advice.

Photo Restoration
Have you got an old, faded or damaged photograph?
We offer an expert restoration service to bring your vintage shots back to life for you and your loved ones to enjoy the second time around. Bring it to us for restoration from as little as £5.00
We scan or photograph your photograph and then work on a digital copy, so your original will be preserved. We then we provide you with a brand new copy for you to love all over again. We can also provide a digital copy on disc for you to make your own copies to share with family and friends.
Just bring your old shots into the store and we'll give you a quote and a time line on the spot. You'll be amazed at the results.
Fantasy Photo Art
Turn your child's fantasy into a reality.
Fairies, Dragons, Pirates, Caricatures, Splash Art, Pop Art and many more creative styles are available using your own pictures that you'v taken at home. Please call in to the store to view the full range of styles available. We can also advise you on how to take the photos required. Or we can take it for you for in the studio for a small extra charge.
Dreams can come true!
Fantasy photo art starts from just £40